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Our service is flexible. We can supply everything from colour schemes, window dressing and wallpaper to a total re-think of a room or your entire interior.

The DSNP Interior Practice is a one-stop shop, projects run from the original concept to the final touch. We manage all aspects of the project making it a hassle and stress free experience.

We specialise in layout and sourcing, lighting design, even custom-making unique furniture or artworks to provide that essential focal point or finishing touch

Full architectural design, planning and management / build support services

A more creative and imaginative approach

Practical yet innovative solutions

Friendly, approachable and professional

Architectural design with flair



Urban & Landscape


We are interested in places, uses and the way they come about. By places we mean cities, spaces within them, buildings, and landscapes. Our work has come to be internationally recognised for a patient and innovative role in adjusting and improving the urban fabric and its uses.

A careful understanding and documentation of places as they are found, their spatial relationships, colour, smell, materiality help our development and judgement of design. We are interested in responding to and influencing specific situations, not the pursuit of stylistic tradition. Beauty is always an ambition but it is never predetermined what beauty is.

Websitedesigning  and product designing and furniture designing etc.


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